The General Meeting of informica real invest AG on 20th September 2018 resolved, among other things, to decrease the registered capital of the company in the amount of EUR 11,825,000 divided into 7,674,474 no-par-value shares according to the regulations of the ordinary capital reduction pursuant to §§ 222 et seq. AktG by EUR 767,447.40 to EUR 11,057,552.60. There is no merger or cancellation of the shares.
This resolution was entered on 12th October 2018 in the Commercial Register of the District Court of Würzburg under HRB 9098. The notice relevant to the repayment of capital pursuant to § 225 AktG was published on 13th October 2018 in accordance with § 10 HGB. The capital repayment of EUR 0.10 per share will take place on the payment date 6th September 2019 via Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt am Main. Entitled to this payment are those shareholders who hold informica real invest AG shares in their account on the evening of 5th September 2019 (record date). The shareholders don’t need to arrange anything for the payment.