Q·ADVISERS acted as the Independent Financial Advisor to DO & CO Aktiengesellschaft (“the Company” or “DO & CO” / ISIN AT0000818802) on the private placement of treasury shares representing 10 % of the total of DO & CO’s shares. Based on a resolution of the Company’s Management Board on the off-board sale of own shares published in accordance with Section 82 (8) BörseG (Stock Exchange Act) on 31st October 2014, DO & CO sold 974,400 shares at a price of EUR 48.00 per share to selected Austrian and international institutional investors through an accelerated bookbuilding process on 6th November 2014.
Renaissance Capital Limited acted as Global Coordinator and, together with Erste Bank AG, as Joint Bookrunners. WOOD & Company Financial Services a.s. and İş Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş. were Co-Lead Managers.